Wedding Day Motivation for Weight Loss

An upcoming event such as a wedding can be great opportunity for you to focus on your weight loss goals. You want to look and also feel your best on this important day. Tap into this enthusiastic mindset to include healthy eating and fitness as part of your overall wedding planning. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
What do you want to accomplish? If you want to loss 100# for the big day, break this into monthly obtainable goals. (Talk to your dietitian and doctors about what is realistic for your weight loss.) Then write out a healthy eating and exercise plan with specific details. For example, I will eat 3 meals a day with lean protein, low carb choices. I will walk for 30 min. 4x/week. Make sure that you go about it the right way rather than another crash diet. Successful weight loss requires a lifestyle change.
For motivation, visualize how you will look in your dress (or tux) that day, dancing, in photos, greeting family and friends that you haven’t seen in a while. Think beyond your appearance to having confidence and energy throughout big day. Also focus on your long-term goals – growing older with your spouse, being active with your new family, staying free of or improving medical problems. Start practicing healthy habits now that will last a lifetime.