Recognizing and Preventing Mental Health Roadblocks During Weight Loss

Weight loss has long been a struggle for Americans. According to the CDC, the obesity rate in the United States has increased from 30.5% to 41.9% over the past 20 years. Especially since the pandemic, Americans have also begun prioritizing their mental health.
In recent years, weight loss professionals have also begun emphasizing the importance of mental health in successful weight loss.
Mental Health and Weight Loss
Especially when undertaking a weight loss journey, mental health is taken for granted with sentiments of “just do it” and “make it happen”. Of course, there is a certain degree of dedication and commitment to any successful weight loss journey, but these sentiments leave little room for growth and lasting change. The truth is that positive mental health is vital to the success of any goals we set for ourselves.
An important factor in positive mental health during weight loss is recognizing the roadblocks.
All or Nothing Thinking
No longer must your journey consist of an all-or-nothing scenario where you either win or lose with no middle ground. This attitude makes weight loss into a sprint, rather than a journey. It is important to give yourself a middle ground and the space to keep trying.
Negative Body Image
Poor eating habits and negative body image are often tied together. Poor feelings of your body lead to poor eating habits, and vice versa. It can also inhibit your motivation to get out and about and exercise.
When stressed, our bodies produce more cortisol which can lead to weight gain. Overeating, sleep loss, and poor food choices are also common factors of stress which can lead to weight gain.
Weight and depression have a complex connection. Scientists debate the impacts of depression on weight, but a classic sign of depression is a loss of interest in hobbies and activities, which can easily lead to weight gain.
Understanding the mental health symptoms that can negatively affect your weight is the first step in overcoming them. Having a dedicated mental health team is the perfect first step. Tri State Bariatrics is the partner you have been searching for, with not only solutions to jump-start your weight loss journey we also offer solutions for the long game.