Making Time for Exercise

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you likely understand the importance of exercise. Healthy weight loss comes from a combination of a proper diet and a good amount of exercise. It’s also essential to building muscle.
You have to eat, so for many bariatric patients, it’s easier to incorporate diet changes into their new routine. However, when it comes to making time for exercise, many people struggle. Between work, school, and family obligations, it can seem impossible to fit exercise into your already-busy schedule. If you’re struggling to find time to work out, try these tips for prioritizing exercise.
How to Make Time for Exercise
“Must Do” Not “Should Do”
When something unexpected comes up in your day, is exercise the first thing you push to the side? Mentality comes first. If you treat exercise as an optional activity you “should do,” it’s much easier to skip when your schedule gets full.
If you schedule your week or day in a planner, make exercise one of the first things you add to the calendar. Then, schedule the rest of your obligations around it. Sometimes things will come up unexpectedly during your day—and sometimes, they’re more important than working out. However, to avoid shoving off your exercise time for small interruptions, treat it like an appointment or a meeting.
Wake Up Earlier
Once you’ve made a commitment to exercising, why not start your day with it? Besides getting it out of the way early, exercising in the morning has a surprising number of benefits, including:
- Boosting your mood
- Improving your focus
- Increasing your daily energy
- Regulating your appetite
Not a morning person? It takes about two months to form a new habit. Until it becomes second nature, try these tips to rise and shine early.
Incorporate It into Your Day
One of the best ways to make time for exercise is by incorporating it into your already-established routine:
- Run, bike, or walk to work
- Take walking work breaks
- Take the stairs whenever you can
- Park far away while running errands
Do What You Can
Some days, a full workout just might not be feasible. Maybe you’re struggling to find motivation, dealing with mental health issues, or just plain old busy. On those days, it’s important to do what you can, whether that’s a walk around the neighborhood or a quick 15-minute workout circuit. Any exercise is good exercise.
At Tri State Bariatrics, our team is dedicated to helping you reach your weight-loss goals. If you’re interested in bariatric surgery, our online seminar is a great place to start. Learn more by contacting our office today!