2 Key Benefits of Bariatric Support Groups

The importance of regular attendance to a bariatric support group is key to maintaining weight loss. Many of your friends and family will support you through your weight loss journey. Some may offer you a reward after you meet a milestone or goal. Although, remember, you should never accept food as a reward. A few people may even act as your personal food police.
While such support is important, bariatric support groups will offer you the following:
As a pre-operative patient, a support group will provide insight of the lifestyle change necessary for success. Lifestyle changes do not happen overnight; they take work and dedication each day. Members of the group provide great ideas and strategies, such as:
- The best protein drinks and where to get the best deals on them.
- How to stay on track with your diet when dining out.
- Importance of exercise and portion control
- Identifying weight loss obstacles. For instance, inadequate protein in their diet.
- How to balance a healthy lifestyle with a hectic schedule.
Many individuals feel isolated in their addiction to food and struggle to lose weight. Bariatric support groups will offer you a place to turn to and provide an understanding not found elsewhere. They offer compassion and keep you honest and accountable for your own actions.
There is a huge difference in the amount of support from someone who has encountered the same situation as you compared to someone who has not. Members of the group show acceptance of others who share similar struggles that they may have encountered along their journey.
The main reason to attend a support group after your surgery is to keep you motivated and on track. Support groups are not a substitute for individual counseling which can deal with sensitive personal issues. The most important thing that members learn from attending a support group is that they are not alone.