AM I A CANDIDATE for weight loss surgery?
Calculation of your BMI is the first way to find out whether you are a candidate for Weight Loss Surgery. Our online BMI calculator gives you a quick answer to where you fall on the chart.
Body Mass Index “BMI” is a quick and easy calculation using a person’s height and weight. BMI is one of the screening tools used to determine if a person is eligible for weight loss surgery.
BMI Classification
- 18-24.9 – Normal
- 25-29.9 – Overweight
- 30-39.9 – Obese
- 40-49.9 – Morbidly Obese
BMI Calculator
- Select Units (Imperial or Metric)
- Enter your height and weight
- Press the “Are you overweight” button
- Your BMI results will appear
Interested in Learning More about Bariatric Surgery?
Simply follow the easy 4-step process below to get started on your Journey to Weight Loss Surgery.
Step 1: Calculate your BMI
Step 2: Register for an online First Step weight loss seminar to test your knowledge
Step 3: Complete our quick on-line questionnaire on our contact form.
Step 4: Check your insurance and financing
Bariatric Surgery Criteria
Here are the standard criteria that you will need to meet to qualify for insurance coverage of Bariatric Surgery:
- You are more than 100 lbs. over your ideal body weight.
- You have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 40.
- Your BMI is over 35 and you are experiencing an Obesity Health Risk such as severe negative health effects, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, related to being severely overweight.
- You are incapable of maintaining a healthy body weight for more than a short period of time, even through doctor-managed diet plans.
- You have been overweight for more than 5 years.
- You are at least 18 years old.
- You do not drink alcohol in excess.
- You are not addicted to drugs or alcohol and you are clean and sober.
If you’re significantly overweight and desire a lifestyle change, you may be a candidate for bariatric surgery at Tri State Bariatrics and eligible for LAP-BAND® System, Laparoscopic Bypass, or Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy.
Take our online seminar to learn more today! Be sure to have your BMI calculator results handy.

“The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step” – Lao Tzu
Obesity Risks
In addition to your BMI score, there are additional obesity risk factors that you need to consider when asking yourself if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery. Also, check out our FAQ Here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our seminar will answer many bariatric surgery questions. Schedule yours today to get the process started.